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Marketing & Media

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As a valued client of Tax and Business Consulting Group your marketing needs are important to us. We provide a sponsorship platform for clients to make an investment in their branding and marketing. 

As a sponsor of Steven Racing, clients gain access to the race industry as a vip member of USracetronics and O’Gara Coach . Lamborghini Huracan Super Trofeo in the fastest one make series in the world. Your logo placement on the race car creates a platform for your brand to be nationally televised, b2b networking, access to all races and hospitality amenities. 

Provide an unforgettable experience for clients and guests:

Opportunities include:

  • Affiliation with World’s Top Drivers in the Fastest One Make Series in the World
  • Alignment with Luxury Brands
  • World Class Photography and Video Content
  • Broad Print/Online/Social Media Integration
  • Global Broadcast Coverage on NBC Sports Network
  • NBCSN Commercial Inventory
  • Powerful Endorsements/ Testimonials
  • Show Cars/ Trade Show Support
  • At Track Demonstrations
  • Driver Appearances/ Meet & Greets



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